Additionally to the training cycle carried out in November and December 2022 within the pilot project, the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre in partnership with the Twinning project ”Improving spatial data services in the Republic of Moldova following EU standards”, funded by the EU, continued implementing the activities foreseen in the work plan. More exactly:
– Based on the draft State Program for implementing national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) and the associated NSDI Action Plan, the most appropriate activities have been analysed and identified for the existing Working Groups in the sector: Working Group for technical issues, Working Group for data sharing, and Working Group for capacity building. Each of these 3 Working Groups will be convened and will discuss the modalities of implementing the assigned activities/tasks.
– Work continued on further developing the Business Model and Business Plan for ALRC’s spatial data and e-services, by perpetuating the discussion on various types of business models, applicable in the case of national mapping and cadastre authorities from EU member states. Short-term experts and Moldovan colleagues are trying to identify the best scenario of a Business Model which is appropriate for existing circumstances and realities in the Republic of Moldova.
– Experts from Croatian State Geodetic Administration continued to provide support for implementation of project for developing the new NSDI Geoportal, Collaboration Platform in the field and informative website. In the upcoming months, Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre plans to organise two training courses of 5 days each: for administrators and specialists involved in NSDI Geoportal management and for the users of this Geoportal and the NSDI Collaboration Platform. Accordingly, at the moment a review of the training materials was done, which would be used in February 2023, providing suggestions for improving the theoretical material, plus practical exercises for implementation.
For more information, please access the contact person: Tatiana Cebotari, Resident Twinning Advisor Assistant, ; +373 69237979.