The warm months of September and October this year brought along plenty of events and activities, as well as nice results, within the EU Twinning project ”Improving spatial data services in the Republic of Moldova following EU standards”, financed by the EU and implemented by the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the counterpart organisations from Croatia, Poland and the Netherlands. The following activities are worth highlighting:
– The business model for ALRC’s e-services and data was further discussed, and experts from Croatia described various applicable business models. From the variety of options, ALRC follows to select the most appropriate business model, compatible with the existing legal framework and bearing in mind the peculiarities of working with spatial data and network services,
– Various online tools for working with spatial data were explored and presented, their spectrum ranging from simple visualization applications to sophisticated interactive tools. The most relevant examples include: geoportals (as basic source of spatial data), calculators for determining the solar energy potential on roofs, viewer of maps in different periods, dashboards, etc.,
– Practical work at the pilot project commenced with a view to test the six Guidelines that were previously developed within the project. The first training session focused on the application into practice of the Guidelines for analogue to digital conversion of topographic plans for Ungheni city (Ungheni City Hall) and forestry maps (S.E. Institute for Forestry Research and Development ICAS) for Ungheni district. Further on, the second session tackled the Guidelines on ”Developing data models” for other spatial data types, such as: settlements – territorial administrative units (Agency for Public Services, Department for Cadastre), roads (S.E. State Roads Administration ASD) and soil areas (S.E. State Planning Institute for Land Management IPOT). Colleagues from other institutions also joined the training sessions from the pilot project – State Hydro-meteorological Service, S.E. INGEOCAD and General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, who practiced on their data. The pilot project will continue with the application of other Guidelines into practice.
– In the reporting period, two study visits have been organised to Croatia and Poland, with the participation of officials from ALRC, S.E. INGEOCAD, S.E. IPOT, Agency for Public Services, Department for Cadastre, S.E. ICAS, S.E. ASD, Prime Minister’s Office and Ungheni City Hall. In Croatia, the Moldovan colleagues had the chance to learn the best practices and work and collaboration experiences at the following institutions: State Geodetic Administration, Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development, Zagreb City Hall, Faculty of Geodesy from Zagreb University and Cadastral office from Zadar. In Poland, the participants had working sessions at the Head Office for Geodesy and Cartography, Main Inspectorate for environmental monitoring, Ministry of Agriculture and Warsaw City Hall. Both host institutions presented their geoportals, examples and practical solutions for network services, vector and raster data, use of spatial data infrastructure in territorial development plans and spatial planning, the methodology for data acquisition and verification, as well as implemented projects, financed from European structural funds.
– At the end of October 2022, ALRC together with the project partners from EU Member States jointly organised an international conference, in order to promote the basic principles of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), the use of spatial data and associated network services from the source, with a view to avoid the duplication of spatial data within state institutions operating with them. This event reunited representatives of institutions and organisations involved in NSDI implementation, central and local public authorities, development partners, representatives of the academic environment, national and international experts, and served as a platform for discussions and sharing of experience, as well as space for interaction with partners from abroad, and namely Croatia and Poland, who shared their own experience on NSDI implementation and the process of open spatial data evolution.
The Twinning project ”Improving spatial data services in the Republic of Moldova following EU standards” is financed by the European Union and implemented by the consortium led by Croatian State Geodetic Administration, as lead partner on behalf of EU Member States, with the support of Polish Head Office for Geodesy and Cartography and Dutch Enterprise Agency from the Netherlands as Junior MS partners, while the Croatian Central Finance and Contracting Agency provides support in the administrative and financial management.
For more information, please access the contact person: Tatiana Cebotari, Resident Twinning Advisor Assistant, ; +373 69237979.